-- card: 13344 from stack: in.1 -- bmap block id: 13596 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 10029 -- name: -- part contents for background part 11 ----- text ----- • WINDOID is great! It has been a big help to see those example scripts and learn new features and tricks. Especially things that are not shown in Goodman's book (Ed: Danny Goodman - The Complete HyperCard Handbook - Bantam) or other places. Since I've learned so much from WINDOID, I'd like to share a script with the other readers. How can you get several scrollable fields to all scroll together? Put these two handlers in your card script. On openCard global initScroll put 0 into initScroll repeat with i = 2 to 5 set the scroll of card field i to initScroll end repeat end openCard The script above simply sets all the scrollable fields you want (in this case fields 2 thru 5) to zero - elevator at the top of the scroll bar. It also stores that scroll value (zero) in a global variable (initScroll). on updateScroll global initScroll repeat with i = 2 to 5 set the scroll of card field i to initScroll end repeat end updateScroll This is the workhorse script. It sets the scroll of the fields you want, all equal to the variable initScroll. initScroll gets changed by the user scrolling one of the fields. That's what the next script does. Put the following script in each of the scrollable fields. on mouseWithin global initScroll if the scroll of me <> initScroll then get the scroll of me put it into initScroll updateScroll end if end mouseWithin The above script detects changes in a field's scroll bar and changes the value of the global variable initScroll. Then it calls the updateScroll script (on the card) to change all appropriate fields to the same value. These scripts are great for creating tabular style fields that can scroll and yet keep all the info lined up between fields. It helps to lay out the fields so that their tops and bottoms are even. • -- part contents for background part 17 ----- text ----- Scrolling Multiple Fields -- part contents for background part 18 ----- text ----- • by Bill Champ -- part contents for background part 19 ----- text ----- volume 1 • number 6 • card 9 •